
Bonnie's Tips for Travelling with Eczema

Bonnie's Tips for Travelling with Eczema

I recently returned from an epic 3 month backpacking trip throughout Europe, don’t be too jealous! Because of my life experience with eczema, I would like to share with you my ‘eczema travel tips’. For many years eczema, or as I like to call it- ‘bloody eczema,’ at times stopped me from socialising with friends, going swimming in chlorine pools and generally made me retreat from life. However, as I gradually educated myself via the wonderful Skin Friend community, overtime I was empowered to make significant lifestyle changes- altering my diet, introducing supplements, exercising more and meditating. Through these changes I...

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Sarah's Journey with Dyshidrotic Eczema

Sarah's Journey with Dyshidrotic Eczema

Although I was an ‘atopic kid’, suffering from environmental allergies, hayfever and asthma, growing up I was lucky enough to be free of food allergies or eczema. The first time I experienced eczema was during year 11 and 12 due to stress from school work and it showed its red angry face under my arms. As many eczema suffers out there would is horrible. However, once the stressful exam periods finished it would go away and vanish from my mind until it returned.  As I got older, I grew out of my day-to-day asthma, with it only effecting me during...

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My Journey on The Eczema Detox Program

eczema detox review

My Journey on The Eczema Detox Program

By Bonnie  I have struggled with eczema for most of my life. I’m sure as any eczema sufferer reading knows, eczema can be a real pain in the butt. My personal eczema journey led me to Karen Fischer and her book The Eczema Diet and her Skin Friend supplements, which along with a commitment for change, healed my skin from the inside out. A few recent ‘naughty’ weekends indulging in gluten, alcohol and appalling food (yes, I mean crispy chicken and hot chippies), as well as stressful circumstances, have welcomed back my old adversary in an angry red, oozy rage. I’m sure...

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What is the difference between The Eczema Detox & The Eczema Diet?

What is the difference between The Eczema Detox & The Eczema Diet?

The Eczema Detox was recently released in 2018, and since then we have received dozens of emails asking what the main differences are between my two eczema books. Well, there's lots...  What's different about The Eczema Detox? Firstly, what's the same ... The Eczema Detox follows the same principles as the original eczema diet book, as both books discuss the critical roles that chemical intolerances and food intolerances play in the appearance of eczema. So both books may be used together.  However, the new detox book is different in many ways: 1. The Eczema Detox contains A LOT more recipes, with mouth-watering images...

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Eczema recovery 101: how to cheat during The Eczema Detox (or The Eczema Diet)

chemical sensitivity eczema supplements the eczema diet treatment

Eczema recovery 101: how to cheat during The Eczema Detox (or The Eczema Diet)

My eczema (when I had it) was on my face, especially around my eyes, and it was on a couple of fingers, and my recovery seemed to be pretty quick while on the Eczema Diet. The initial recovery was a 3-month period of following the diet religiously and taking the supplements, going through the detox process to get my skin clear. However, post my initial recovery I have since: travelled, had some set backs, seen some surprise flare ups, cheated, reintroduced foods and understood more about my patterns and triggers for eczema (post here). So I thought I'd tell you about my latest eczema...

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