What is the difference between The Eczema Detox & The Eczema Diet?
The Eczema Detox was recently released in 2018, and since then we have received dozens of emails asking what the main differences are between my two eczema books. Well, there's lots... What's di...
Read moreEczema recovery 101: how to cheat during The Eczema Detox (or The Eczema Diet)
My eczema (when I had it) was on my face, especially around my eyes, and it was on a couple of fingers, and my recovery seemed to be pretty quick while on the Eczema Diet. The initial recovery was...
Read moreWhy healthy foods can be unhealthy for eczema (Th2 explained)
This information is the opposite of what many bloggers recommend for eczema. And it's a common mistake practitioners have been making for years when treating eczema and other types of skin inflam...
Read moreHow I beat my eczema: Tips from an eczema sufferer
"Earlier this year, in my mid 30s, I developed pretty bad eczema and on my face of all places. It was in 3 patches - my forehead, the right side of my face and a large stain on my right cheek. Som...
Read moreList of food additives to avoid
You may have heard of ‘chemical sensitivity’ or ‘chemical intolerance’... If you are sensitive to chemicals you might adversely react to perfumes, household cleaning products and the chlorine in ...
Read moreIs eczema an autoimmune disease?
Eczema is an itchy skin condition that can be painful and chronic. Eczema sufferers commonly have allergies and consuming a food you are allergic to elicits an IgE immune system response. The res...
Read moreNutritionist discovers eczema breakthrough
Reporter: Dr. Andrew Rochford According to 7 News, "Groundbreaking research has revealed that diet could hold the key to an eczema cure." "An Australian nutritionist has made a major breakthro...
Read moreHow does alkalising help eczema?
If you have ever read The Eczema Diet you'll know that Salicylate sensitivity is the most common chemical sensitivity that eczema sufferers have. It can cause a worsening of eczema in more than 6...
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