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Article: Which Eczema Book is the Best?

Which Eczema Book is the Best?

Which Eczema Book is the Best?

“I have eczema... so do I read ‘The Eczema Diet’, ‘The Eczema Detox’ or ‘The Healthy Skin Kitchen’ to help my skin?” 

Hi I'm Bonnie, a nutritionist and former eczema warrior who managed to beat the eczema monster by listening to good advice. 

We get asked this question often so let's dive in to find out about credentials (bear with me - it's important) and which eczema book might be helpful for you. 

eczema tips from an eczema sufferer

What's up with credentials? 

Before I review each book, I want to chat about credentials. 

This means "a person's qualification, achievement or background relating to a specific topic". 

Credentials are not talked about enough. 

Today it seems ANYONE can write a health book. A pimply teen in his mother's basement can write a book about acne and pretend to be an expert.

So when buying an eczema book, check the author's credentials. Why should you listen to them?

Have they done a legitimate health degree, or just obtained a certificate or "been there" (had it then got better)? Your health is important so you should only listen to experts, and then listen to your gut to "feel" if the advice seems right for you. 

Why listen to Karen Fischer?

I’m reviewing three eczema books from nutritionist Karen Fischer because our customers always ask us which book to buy, as all three seem relevant. 

Firstly let's skim through author Karen Fischer's credentials (first rule, check credentials). 

Karen is a research-hungry human (aka qualified nutritionist with a Bachelor of Health Science Degree, currently completing a Master's degree, which involves conducting eczema research at university).

So she (not literally) gobbles up scientific research every day and is about to publish her first scientific paper. She knows the latest research! 

Plus Karen has specialised in eczema for the past 20 years, and previously ran the Eczema Life Clinic in Sydney where she worked with hundreds of patients with eczema and other types of skin inflammation. 

... And she helped her daughter become eczema-free 23 years ago. Karen is also a former eczema warrior, still fully recovered from head-to-toe eczema. She has been in your shoes, lived the nightmare and gained valuable insights along the way. 

Which eczema book?

Since Karen Fischer's seventh book, The Healthy Skin Kitchen was released, we have received many emails asking what’s the main difference between Karen’s eczema books: The Eczema Diet, The Eczema Detox and The Healthy Skin Kitchen.

So, how do you know which eczema book is right for you?  

I'll explain this by (very briefly) telling you about my own eczema journey. 

I struggled with eczema for a long time (and still do occasionally when I overindulge in my trigger foods!). So I can honestly say that all three of Karen's books have supported my eczema healing journey in different ways and at different times in my life. 

Book 1: The Eczema Diet

eczema diet book review

Karen’s original program The Eczema Diet, which I read as a teenager, helped me to understand WHY I had eczema, what triggered my insane itchy, oozy inflamed eczema which was literally all over my body.

This book taught my whole family to understand how ‘food’—by this I mean the processed and packaged foods that I had been putting in my body—was impacting my health.

The fast foods I ate were flaring my eczema, thus making me (and my family) MISERABLE. 

The Eczema Dietwhich Karen Fischer originally designed for her daughter Ayva and her early eczema patients, details how the diet works from an (easy to understand) biochemistry perspective, with diagrams and scientific evidence and references. 

It’s a good book for sceptics and doctors and us lay-people who want to understand our eczema monster.

When I first read The Eczema Diet it was truly a light bulb moment! The Eczema Diet started my healing journey and my skin slowly* improved, and my physical health and mental health improved as well. 

*There are no quick solutions to severe eczema! 

In the past, my parents and I spent SO much money on eczema creams and eczema potions that were based on NO valid scientific evidence. These creams were made by average "Mums and Dads" with no understanding of eczema.

We eczema sufferers are known for seeking easy “quick fixes” (understandably while under stress!) that usually don’t fix the underlying issues. So having The Eczema Diet book became my "bible" for reliable, science-based eczema information. 

The Eczema Diet was also featured on Seven's Prime Time News in Australia, as a "new eczema breakthrough by an Australian Nutritionist". Watch the video here


Book 2: The Eczema Detox

eczema diet detox book review

If you want to know how to diagnose your eczema triggers, this is the book for you (i.e. if you have severe chemical intolerances or head-to-toe eczema or have multiple allergies) grab a copy of The Eczema Detox book clearly showed me HOW to clear up the last bits of my eczema-and it's the only book that contains the FID Program (that's the Food Intolerance Diagnosis program.)

So if you have no idea what's triggering your eczema then The Eczema Detox book and the FID program are for you. 

The Eczema Detox recipes form a part of the book’s three tailored programs, suitable for everyone from babies to the elderly, helping a range of skin inflammation problems including dermatitis, psoriasis, red skin syndrome and rosacea. 

The Eczema Detox has helped thousands of eczema warriors clear up their stubborn eczema and skin inflammation, many of whom feature on our Eczema Diet website. You can read their stories here.

This is a testimonial posted on on The Eczema Detox page:

Book 3: The Healthy Skin Kitchen 

healthy skin kitchen eczema diet book review

“We want more recipes”. We hear this a lot…

While all of Karen’s books are packed with recipes, The Healthy Skin Kitchen (HSK) has loads of new, fun, fabulous recipes which can be incorporated into your Eczema Detox and Eczema Diet regime.

The HSK also includes FID-friendly meals to add to your Eczema Detox regime, but  can be enjoyed on its own, as it contains a section called Menu 4 which can be used instead of the FID program.

Two of the many unique features of the HSK includes how it tackles stress - you get to know your Vagus Nerve which is SO interesting.

The HSK also gets you acquainted with your gut health and microbiome with new and exciting research. 

As Karen Fischer says:

'No matter how perfect your diet is, if you are over-stimulating your nervous system, you are preventing any profound healing from taking place.' 

The HSK taught me practical ways to manage my stress. I do this through Karen’s vagus nerve exercises and mindfulness to de-stress, thus ensuring both my skin and mind remain calm.

Let me tell you, along with following the menus in The Healthy Skin Kitchen, practising mindfulness and following Karen Fischer's skincare routine, my skin has never looked better. No need for botox with this book!  

Not only that, The Healthy Skin Kitchen provides the most up-to-date scientific information on skin health. I also love the delicious recipes and beautiful photography which could inspire the most hardened non-cook to get into the kitchen and whip up a feast! 

Image: Beet Detox Soup from The Healthy Skin Kitchen

The Healthy Skin Kitchen recipes add to my Eczema Detox regime which keeps my palate excited and my eczema at bay.

You can see why it is difficult to recommend just one book when all three books are valuable pieces in the very tricky eczema puzzle! 

The Healthy Skin Kitchen also covers skin care and there is a useful 'Signs, Symptoms and Solutions' chart where you can look up a large range of disorders including:

  • acne
  • alopecia
  • candidiasis
  • cellulite
  • CIRS
  • dermatitis
  • dandruff
  • hives
  • histamine intolerance
  • keratosis pilaris
  • leaky gut
  • light sensitivity
  • MCAS
  • psoriasis
  • red skin syndrome
  • rosacea
  • salicylate sensitivity
  • wrinkles
My eczema book summary

So if you suffer from itchy, inflamed eczema, dermatitis or a skin inflammatory condition, all three of Karen Fischer’s eczema books provide great information, tools and support to help you ditch the itch and create healthy looking skin from the inside out. 

Which one you choose will depend on what you're after. Did one (or all) resonate with you?

Healthy Skin Kitchen recipe


Image: Papaya Beauty Smoothie Bowl from The Healthy Skin Kitchen

What if you can only afford one eczema book?

If you are only able to purchase one book today, go back over the information in this article and refer to the key points below to decide which book is right for you: 

  • The Eczema Diet is great for people who want loads of (easy to read) scientific information and research before committing to a new health routine.
  • The Eczema Detox is good for those who want to identify their personal food triggers so they know what to avoid and what to eat for calm skin (the FID program is famous for this!). 
  • The Healthy Skin Kitchen is ideal for those who struggle with stress and a range of skin issues, and for those wanting 60 new recipes to add to their menu. Plus it's a very pretty "coffee table" book to put on display and it's great to give as a gift to family and friends for birthdays or Christmas. 

All three books contain different recipes so they combine to give you loads of recipes to keep you on track.

Here are some additional options if you like a book that comes with eczema support...

The Eczema Diet online membership

Karen Fischer has a new online program called the Eczema Diet Membership to help you follow the Eczema Diet and the Eczema Detox, with extra support from qualified nutritionists (including me!), forum chats, podcasts and video tutorials. This launched in 2021. Find your eczema tribe here. 

Happy reading and much love,

Bonnie (former eczema warrior)

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