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Article: Carob Banana Popsicles

Carob Banana Popsicles

Carob Banana Popsicle recipe karen fischer

Here is a simple idea if you want to make a low salicylate dessert that's both healthy and delicious. My son loved these, and they did not last long during the school holidays. 

You can usually buy craft sticks at an art shop or supplier, and some kitchen stores sell ice block sticks.

You will need 3 bananas to make 6 popsicles. Pre-chill the whole bananas (skin on) in the refrigerator for at least an hour beforehand.


Make the Carob Mylk Chocolate recipe first (find recipe here). Put the melted chocolate into a narrow cup so it's easy to dip the bananas in.

Then peel and halve the bananas. Place the sticks into chilled peeled bananas and dip them into the melted Carob Mylk Chocolate.

The ones we made were dressed up with cashew nut butter and crushed cashews (and a little maple sugar for the image effect). Place them into the freezer and serve frozen. 


At Eczema Life, we recommend nutritionist Karen Fischer's low food chemical program (The Eczema Detox) along with additive-free supplements for skin health and wellbeing. Click on the images to view more details:



Image by Karen Fischer.

about the author

Best known for her eczema solutions, Karen Fischer is a registered nutritionist and an award-winning author with seven published health books, including #1 best-sellers The Eczema Diet and The Eczema Detox. Karen is currently completing a PhD involving eczema research and she is a trusted expert in the field of skin health ...


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