News — the eczema diet

Eczema Diet Christmas Menu

chemical sensitivity failsafe low salicylate salicylate sensitivity the eczema detox the eczema diet

Eczema Diet Christmas Menu

Christmas is a time for celebration, and if you’re like me and my family it involves eating a lot of food. However many typical Christmas dishes, such as ham, gravy and mum’s amazing trifle dessert (sorry Mum), can trigger eczema flare-ups if you are susceptible to eczema. Luckily there are tasty eczema-friendly alternatives ... No matter what your religion or beliefs, here is an eczema-friendly festive menu plus one of my favourite dessert recipes, Baked Pear Crumble, which uses The Eczema Diet and Eczema Detox ingredients.  Eczema Diet foods for your Christmas table: Roast Chicken Refer to The Eczema Diet for the Roast Chicken recipe,...

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Eczema recovery 101: how to cheat during The Eczema Detox (or The Eczema Diet)

chemical sensitivity eczema supplements the eczema diet treatment

Eczema recovery 101: how to cheat during The Eczema Detox (or The Eczema Diet)

My eczema (when I had it) was on my face, especially around my eyes, and it was on a couple of fingers, and my recovery seemed to be pretty quick while on the Eczema Diet. The initial recovery was a 3-month period of following the diet religiously and taking the supplements, going through the detox process to get my skin clear. However, post my initial recovery I have since: travelled, had some set backs, seen some surprise flare ups, cheated, reintroduced foods and understood more about my patterns and triggers for eczema (post here). So I thought I'd tell you about my latest eczema...

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How I beat my eczema: Tips from an eczema sufferer

How I beat my eczema the eczema diet

How I beat my eczema: Tips from an eczema sufferer

"Earlier this year, in my mid 30s, I developed pretty bad eczema and on my face of all places. It was in 3 patches - my forehead, the right side of my face and a large stain on my right cheek. Sometimes my eyes were included in the mix. I’ve never really been an eczema sufferer, but know there has been a history of it in my family.  I began to try everything from Aloe Vera gel, borage oil, creams, any thing and everything that seems to be a magical remedy to the condition. Nothing worked, the frustration made the...

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Nutritionist discovers eczema breakthrough

atopic dermatitis eczema The Eczema Diet treatment

Nutritionist discovers eczema breakthrough

Reporter: Dr. Andrew Rochford According to 7 News, "Groundbreaking research has revealed that diet could hold the key to an eczema cure."  "An Australian nutritionist has made a major breakthrough by identifying specific foods that clear it up, allowing sufferers to avoid years of discomfort."  Prior to her treatment last year, 12-year-old eczema sufferer Georgie Broos was in agony with the cruel condition. “My eczema, it felt really bad, I couldn't do anything. I would scratch at night, I would cry, I couldn't go to sleep,” Georgie told 7 News. Her arms and legs itching and covered with red eczema,...

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